
the web for astronomi, education and news

about me

aggunk my name, I was a student who just plain ordinary. but I love to try new things, I like to experiment with virtual worlds, although I failed to keep my spirit and do not never give up, that's my life is not perfect and I will perfect my own life. my life is my adventure

my blog

firezonex is a worthy name for a blog that I do now, by working on my blog to release my thoughts, feelings, and creativity. blog for me is the right tool to remove the imagination, with my blog out what I think and I feel. hopefully this blog visitors can gain knowledge that I have provided and can provide comment for this blog to advance and develop. thank you

Fakta tentang Meteorit

Meteorit adalah batu meteor yang berhasil mencapai permukaan bumi. Disebut juga meteor setelah menembus atmosfir bumi tetapi belum mencapai permukaan bumi. Merupakan asteroid kecil yang ketika memasuki atmosfir bumi, gesekan udara menyebabkan meteor menjadi panas dan menimbulkan cahaya sehingga kadang kala disebut bintang jatuh. Di Indonesia, meteorit bisa ditemukan di musium geologi Bandung.
Meteorit adalah bahan baku keris yang disukai para mpu. Keris yang mendapat campuran meteorit biasanya ringan namun sangat kuat karena mengandung logam langka, seperti titanium.

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